Is Your Mouth Breathing Secretly Sabotaging Your Health? anti-inflammatory living Jul 24, 2024

Do you ever wake up feeling like you've been sucking on cotton balls all night? If so, you might be a mouth breather. And while it might seem like...

New Hope for Sjogren's: Breakthrough Treatments on the Horizon sjogren's Jul 10, 2024

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with Sjogren's Disease. As a physician, I thought I knew a lot about this autoimmune disease, but it wasn't until...

Navigating Allergies & Autoimmunity: Finding Your Compass in Support Groups advocacy & empowerment Jun 26, 2024

Let's face it: living with a chronic health condition like allergies or an autoimmune disease can sometimes feel like you're navigating a maze...

Could Your Zip Code Play a Role in Your Autoimmunity? anti-inflammatory living Jun 12, 2024

As an allergy and immunology physician, I've seen a troubling trend: a significant rise in autoimmune diseases. It's not just my clinical...

Hereditary Alpha Tryptasemia (HAT): What It Is and Its Link to POTS & Joint Issues science & research May 29, 2024

Have you heard of Hereditary Alpha Tryptasemia (HAT)? This genetic trait leads to higher levels of tryptase, an enzyme released by immune cells...

Why Do We Itch? The Surprising Science Behind That Scratchy Feeling science & research May 15, 2024

Itching seems like a simple bodily annoyance.

But did you know that pesky itch may serve important evolutionary purposes – both protective...

IBS: More Than Just a Gut Feeling science & research May 01, 2024

If you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), you know it's far more than just an upset stomach.

The bloating, pain, and unpredictable bowel...

Breaking Up with My Phone (Kind Of): Reclaiming My Time & Focus practical tips & sustainable solutions Apr 24, 2024

Scrolling through my phone's screen time report was like a punch to the gut. Nearly 5 HOURS a day on this little device? That's a third of my...

Unlocking the Power of Nutrition for Stronger Immunity: A Comprehensive Guide let's talk autoimmunity & anti-inflammatory living Apr 19, 2024

Did you know there's a powerful, often overlooked connection between what you eat and how well your immune system functions? Our diet plays a...

The Mast Cell Mystery: Why Even Experts are Puzzled science & research Apr 16, 2024

If you thought you understood how allergies work, think again.

Emerging research on mast cells, the immune system's key players in allergic...

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