
Thinking you don't want 2023 to be a repeat of 2022?

advocacy & empowerment Jan 03, 2023
Cheerful woman in glasses sitting comfortably with a coffee mug, surrounded by bright natural light, exuding a relaxed and positive vibe at home.

This past week has been all about reflection and celebration. But I wouldn't be totally honest if I didn't mention how darn excited I am and all the momentum I am channeling going into 2023!

For me, this included scheduling appointments with my own coaches and mentors.

When it comes to explaining exactly why coaching is helpful… I sometimes struggle...

Usually, I answer science says it works… 

and it worked for me...

But here is a better explanation gathered from a piece published in Psychology Today this week.  

Here is the TL/DR version: 

It turns out, coaching works in large part by “facilitating psychological capital” aka PsyCap. 
Yeah, but what is that?!

PsyCap has 4 dimensions. 

  1. Self-efficacy: The belief and confidence in one’s capabilities. This increases when we set goals and when we reflect on our successes. 
  2. Hope: A sense of agency as we move towards achieving our goals and our self-reflection on this journey. “Coaches encourage and promote solution-focused thinking, helping coaches focus on what’s feasible and how to approach and implement change”. 
  3. Optimism: Glass half-full approach to life. This doesn’t come naturally for many of us BUT we can change our mindset especially when someone helps us put things back into perspective. 
  4. Resilience: This is your bounce-back potential. It’s “present when one proactively seeks out helpful resources as well as positively manages their circumstances”. Coaches help with BOTH! We serve as a consistent and stable sounding board. 

So how much evidence is there that coaching works?
It turns out, there is a lot. 

It's been studied in physician burnout.  
Executive leadership.
Job performance.
Health outcomes. 
Weight management.

So after reading and then reflecting on this article, I feel better able to explain HOW coaching specifically factored into my successes this past year.

I would not be anywhere near where am now without their help: 

  • Jen has helped me tremendously with nutrition- to repair my relationship with food, to know what to eat, what to minimize, and what supplements are worth it and which just make for expensive urine...
  • Dr. Kathy has been instrumental in helping me to live a life aligned & in integrity with my values. To develop a meaningful and sustainable self-compassion practice. To be ok with slowing down.
  • Cesar helped me land AND nail my TED talk this past fall! I felt like a confident BA on that stage (and I can't wait for y'all to be able to see it!)

So how can you access these tools too? 

Whether you are new to following me or we have more of a long-term relationship, I thought it might be helpful to recap all the ways I share the knowledge and skills I have acquired through all of this work and my experiences both personal and professional... 

Especially since so many of the ways we can work together are incredibly budget-friendly…many are actually FREE! 

Free Resources: 

  1. Subscribing to my email list (if you were forwarded this from a friend, click here to subscribe yourself) 
  2. The Crunchy Allergist Podcast- your weekly dose of empowering education with a side of coaching. If you haven't subscribed yet, you won't want to miss the debut of Season 3 next week: Allergy/Immunology 101. 
  3. Download my Favorite Books list- pick 1 from the personal development section! You can easily order through the Amazon link or request it from your local library. 

Low-Cost Resources 

  1. Get My Building Bridges Workbook to help make the most out of your next medical appointment
  2. Join Jen & I in BeLong Our Anti-Inflammatory Community! 
  3. Save the Date for the 2nd Annual Virtual Sjogren’s Summit April 1st & 2nd!


Or perhaps you are like me and have realized the long-term value 1:1 coaching can provide... or the monumental shifts possible when you invest in yourself. 

Over the last 3 years, I have realized that investing in coaching has truly moved the dial further in much less time than any other investments I have made. 

For those looking for a high touch 1:1 experience, an approach that is personalized to your specific needs and vision...

I have the time, energy, and bandwidth to help up to 3 clients from now until April in this way. 

I purposely limit my private coaching panel to ensure I can overdeliver. 


How do I help my 1:1 clients?

  • I have helped clients learn more about their specific immune system conditions by developing a personalized education plan.
  • We have focused on specific skill-building using the tools I have developed through my unique combination of personal & professional experiences as a physician & life coach. 
  • Maybe most importantly, we have engaged in powerful mindset work to break through limiting beliefs, engage in meaningful self-compassion, and re-wiring those neural pathways! 

If this is something you are interested in exploring, email us so we can find a good time for a complementary 1:1 consult call to see if we are a good fit to work together.  

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