
Episode 36: The Gift of Sleep with the Restful Sleep MD

Season #2

Through the ups and downs with my Sjogren’s, I learned early on that sleep was critical to keeping me healthy and functioning at my best.   

Listen to my conversation with sleep expert Dr. Brown.


Dr. Funke Afolabi-Brown is a triple board-certified sleep medicine physician passionate about helping people discover the gift of sleep as a superpower.

Dr. Brown is a speaker, an educator, a writer, and the founder of RestfulSleepMD where she helps busy professional women and their children prioritize sleep to not only achieve their optimal health but also thrive and live to their fullest potential.

As a physician in practice for over a decade, a mom of two, she fully understands the impact of sleep deprivation on our mental, physical and emotional health. As a result of this, she has dedicated her career to helping professional women be their best selves. She does this through speaking, coaching, courses, and programs focused on educating and empowering busy professional women to make sleep a priority as a critical pillar of their health.

She is a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, The American Academy of Pediatrics, and The Amerian Thoracic Society. She also on the medical advisory board of Baby Center as well as the expert advisory board of Project Sleep.

She is a frequent speaker at various conferences, summits, workshops, and association meetings, both nationally and internationally.


Follow Dr. Brown:

Instagram: @restfulsleepmd
Facebook: funke.afolabibrown


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